
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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Mr. Pig


Mr. Pig dressed himself with care, looking forward to  Miss Pig and himself going on a picnic together.


"I hope she says 'Yes'.  I’ll also pick some flowers to give her, that will certainly be enough to sway her!"

“真希望她会说‘我愿意’啊。 我再摘朵花送给她,一定能够打动她!”

On the road, Mr. Pig ran into his friend Fox. When fox heard about the picnic, he said: "Let me lend you my beautiful tail. Miss Pig will certainly like it." Mr. Pig was very pleased.

路上,猪先生遇到了他的朋友狐狸。狐狸听说了野餐的事,就说:“把我美丽的尾巴借去吧。瞧,猪小姐肯定会喜欢的。” 猪先生很满意。

Continuing on, he ran into his friend Lion. Lion heard about the picnic and said: “Borrow my beautiful hair for when you go over there. Miss Pig will certainly like it.” Mr. Pig was very pleased.

接着,他又遇到了他的朋友狮子。狮子说:“把我美丽的头发借去吧。猪小姐肯定会喜欢的。” 猪先生很满意。

After a while, he ran into his friend Zebra. Zebra heard about the picnic and said: " I’ll lend you my beautiful stripes. Miss Pig will certainly like it." Mr. Pig was very pleased. He felt that he’d never before looked so handsome.


Finally arriving at Miss Pig’s house, Mr. Pig excitedly knocked on the door. "Would you do me the honor of going on a picnic with me?" he asked.


Miss Pig was terrified: "Oh, no way! What kind of monster are you? If you don’t go away, I’ll go get Mr. Pig, he’ll straighten you out!"


Mr. Pig hurriedly ran away. On the road, he gave the stripes back to Zebra, the hair back to Lion, and the tail back to Fox. After that, he hurried back to Miss Pig’s house, and again pressed the doorbell.


"Would you do me the honor of having a picnic with me?"he asked again.


"Goodness, Mr. Pig!"Miss Pig cried out. "I’m so happy to see you, I’d love to go on a picnic with you. An ugly wretch just came by here, standing in my garden, and scared me so."

“猪先生!” 猪小姐叫道,“看到你我真是太高兴啦,我愿意跟你一起去野餐。刚才来了个丑八怪,可把我吓坏啦。”

On the way, Miss Pig told Mr. Pig the story of the ‘ugly wretch’ in great detail. Her handsome friend Mr. Pig, though, listened with great sympathy. It really was a great day for a picnic.


- END -


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