
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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The Gift of the Little Squirrel


One day, the little squirrel left school, back to his broken slipper, no sooner had he entered the door than he was surprised. There was a piece of delicious cake on the table! Suddenly, the little squirrel thought that today was his mother's birthday. He thought and thought, finally he came up with what he would give to his mother: The house which his mother live was old. I'll give her a new cover!


Then, the little squirrel acted immediately, looking for material to go! Although the midday sun hung high in the sky, the little squirrel cannot attend to the hot weather, and finally found these materials: some broken tiles, a few broken wood, a piece of cloth and some nails. He also found a saw and hammer to put up the house, a beautiful, strong and delicate, environmentally friendly small house was completed, but also the two layers! "Oh, so beautiful, mother could love it!" The little squirrel wiped the sweat from his face and thought happily.


In the evening, mouse brothers got together to celebrate their mother's birthday, the little black mouse sent flowers, the little white mouse sent a bike, the little color mouse sent cheese, their mother happy to laugh from ear to ear.


At this time, the little squirrel took everyone to the door, said excitedly: "Mom, my present is here, we have a new house, and we no longer live in broken slipper." Their mother felt very excited and said happily: "Your gift was very special, I like it very much. Thank you for your gift so little gray! Thank you, my baby!" She heavily kissed the little squirrel, then holding her children together into a new house.



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