
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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Little lamb and the Wolf


On the grassy plains, there lived a lovely group of lamb and a fierce wolf. 


One day, as the wolf came to the stream, he saw a lamb drinking water there. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb, deliberately pick, said:"Damn lamb! How could you make the water dirty that belong to me?"


The lamb was surprised and said gently: "Mr. Wolf, how can I make the water you drink dirty? You are standing on the upper reaches of the river. I am down the river. The water flows from you to me, not from me."


"Well, then," said the wolf, "You're a bad guy! I heard you spoke ill of me behind my back last year! I'm very angry and I will eat you."


The poor lamb cried, "Ah, dear Mr. Wolf, that's impossible. You must have made a mistake. I'm not one year old, and I haven't been born last year!" 


"I don't care!" snarled the wolf, "You little rascal! It's either you or your father that speaks ill of me, but it's all the same."


Then he rushed upon the poor little lamb.


The lamb was very quick witted, thought the trap which deal with the wolf at home. Said to the wolf:"Dear Mr. Wolf, I'm thin and small, how can I feed you? I have a brother and a sister, they are all fattened up and fat enough for you to eat for a long time!"


The wolf heard that and said:"Ok, take me to your home! and then I'll let you go."


The lamb led the way, and the wolf followed. Lamb just arrived at the door and said loudly: "Come on, I brought new friends!"


When other lambs saw the big grey wolf from the doorway, they set traps inside the house. The wolf fell into the trap as soon as he entered the door. And then lambs called out hunters took the wolf! That's how lamb wins!



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