
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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A Foolish Lion and A Clever Fawn


Once upon a time, there was a stupid, bad lion, as he was vicious, he ruled over a large forest. He ordered the animals in the forest to feed him every day. In return, he promised he wouldn't kill any animal that gave him anything. Weak and helpless animals have no choice but to agree.


One day, a fawn arrived at the lion's house to deliver food. The fawn brought a large piece of meat, and the lion could have a big meal. But the lion was not satisfied, eager to get more. The lion wanted to taste the venison, he wanted to eat the fawn.


Smart fawn thought of a good way to get away from the lion. He said:"Before I came here, I met a powerful lion who claimed to be king! The lion says he's much better than you." The lion angrily said:" What a nerve! Where's that fake lion? You take me there to see."


The fawn came to the river with the lion and pointed to the reflection of the lion:"That's it, my lord!" The angry lion immediately jumped into the river and attacked its reflection. The lion didn't know the water was deep, drowned in the river. Without the oppression of the lion, the animals in the forest had a happy life.



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