
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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Transporting salt donkey


Once upon a time, there was a merchant who bought a lot of salt in the town. He put the salt in the bag and put it on the donkey. "let's go! Go home!" The merchant pulled the reins, but the donkey thought the salt bag was too heavy to walk willingly.


There's a river between the town and the village. When he crossed the river, the donkey fell into the river. Salt in the sack was dissolved.


"Ah! The salt's gone. Ugh! Damn it! What a stupid donkey!" The merchant complained. But the donkey was overjoyed because his luggage was reduced. The donkey thought: "This is a good way to do it. Keep it in mind, and next time I'll be able to lighten the weight." The donkey tasted sweet, and the merchants didn't notice.


The next day, the merchant returned to town with the donkey. This time it wasn't salt, it was cotton. Cotton piled on a donkey's back like a mountain. "Let's go! Go home! Today's bags are big, but they're not heavy." The merchant said to the donkey, and pulled the reins. The donkey was so reluctant, he walked slowly.


Soon after that, the donkey thought of yesterday's good idea. So, the donkey deliberately rolled into the river. The donkey tried to stand up, but suddenly there was no way to get up. Because cotton became heavier after it was flooded. "That's bad, that's bad." The donkey hissed, carrying a heavy bag of water, and went back to the village.



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