
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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Beautiful cock


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful cock, which was looking for other animals all day to see who was more beautiful.


One day, the cock said:"cock-a-cock is beautiful, a big red crown, a shiny neck, a shiny neck and a golden foot, and I'm the first."


One day, the cock was full, with his chest full of songs, and he came to a big tree and saw a woodpecker. "Woodpecker, let's compare who is more beautiful." The woodpecker says:"I'm sorry. The old tree was sick, and I had to cure the old tree, and I didn't have much time for it."The woodpecker refused.


The cock went to the garden, saw the bee, and said:"Little bee, let's compare who is more beautiful.""I'm sorry, the old tree blossomed. I'm going to get honey. "The bee ignored it.


Then, the cock came to the rice paddy and saw a frog, and said:"Belly frog, let's compare who is more beautiful.""I'm sorry, but there are so many vermin in the fields, I will destroy them, and I won't fight with you." The frog jumped into the rice paddy and left.


The cock touched an old horse, and the cock said:"uncle horse, why didn't they talk to me?"The old horse said:"They don't talk to you because they will help other people."


The cock listened to the old horse, and then woke up every day.



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