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发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27




《Snail Brings the Mail》



Snail brings the mail


Hooray for snail! He brings the mail.
Day in, day out, he will not fail.(让人失望)日复一日,蜗牛邮差从没有让大家失望过。

A box  for fox,
And three for bee.
“oh wow!” says Owl. “ten cards for me.” “you missed the party in my tree.”(开心)
“so I see”(苦瓜脸)猫头鹰在树洞里举办完了自己的生日派对后,蜗牛送到了它的生日贺卡。

From dawn to dust,snail’s on the go.(忙个不停)
He does work hard, but he’s so slow.
His friends may have to wait all day.
“poor snail. He does his best,”they say.(混响)
One morning, things go wrong for snail.一天早上,大事不好,蜗牛起床晚了,她急急忙忙的还弄掉了邮件。

He wakes up late.
He drops the mail.天也开始下雨,不一会儿就下起冰雹了。
It starts to rain. It starts to hail(下冰雹).
Snail won’t give up.(I must not fail)
The cold wind blows-it’s quite a gale(狂风).狂风大作,天变黑了,蜗牛的脸却吓白了。
The sky turns dark, and snail turns pale.
The road is flooded.道路已经被水淹了,可怜的蜗牛,它根本过不去。

Bad luck,snail
He can’t get through.
Snail wails, “I’ve failed”
But look! A tractor(拖拉机)-up for sale!(喊)老鼠站在路边叫卖着拖拉机,蜗牛邮差又燃起了希望。他毫不犹豫的买下了拖拉机,继续他的旅程。

The deal is done. Now watch snail go!
He won’t get stuck in rain or snow.
These days,the mail is right on time.
And snail gets through,come rain or shine.

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