
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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Dog wearing shoes


Mama bought three-year-old Hao Hao a new pair of shoes, Hao Hao put them on and turned this way and that looking at them. The household dog ran over and licked Hao Hao’s shoes.


Hao Hao looked up, and naively said: “Mama, is doggie cold? Why doesn’t it wear shoes?” Mama smoothly said: “Go and ask it.”


So Hao Hao looked down, and in the dog’s ear said: “Little doggie, are you cold? Should I give you some shoes to wear?” Suddenly he loudly shouted, “Mama, doggie said he’s cold, it nodded its head at me!”


Not long after, Hao Hao took off his own shoes, and put them on the dog’s two front feet.


“Mama, there are still two feet missing!”


“Which two feet are missing?”


“Doggie is still missing shoes for two of his feet…”


Before he’d finished speaking, the dog barked woof woof woof, and ran away. Hao Hao hung his head, blushing, and he pulled at the corner of his clothes, too embarrassed to go to his mother, and he called out: “The dog ran off wearing the new shoes, the dog and I are now the same, we both have two bare feet!


- END -


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