
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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The Chicken's Face Blushed


On a sunny morning, the chicken looked at the warm sun and lazily said, "the sun is good today, and I have to enjoy the sun."



The chicken was lying on the grass, enjoying the warm sunshine. Suddenly, he heard the voice of the pig: "chicken, don't sun the sun, come to help me build the house." The chicken said, "no, it's too tired to cover the house. I'm going to be here in the sun." The voice of the little pig has just fallen, and the chicken hears the voice of the duckling again: "chick, come and help me to grind the noodles." The chicken said, "no, the noodles are too tired. I'm enjoying the sun bath."


At night, heavy rain, chicken house is leaking, the chicken bucket, brought the basin the rain, the pig and the duckling saw, quickly put the chicken house repaired.



The chicken saw the repaired house, and then looked at the wet piglet and the duckling, which was embarrassed to lower his head. The piglet said, "it is necessary for everyone to help each other." At this time, the chicken's face was red, like a big red apple.


- END -


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