格林童话-The Mouse,The Bird,And the Sausage

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

- 晓华亲子英语-

听儿歌·讲故事·读绘本   轻松在家英语启蒙

今天和大家分享一则有趣的小故事,故事选自《格林童话》——《The Mouse,The Bird,And the Sausage-老鼠、小鸟和香肠》。原版的格林童话,有些地方语言不太口语化,我在讲的时候做了一点点改动。

一听到老鼠、小鸟和香肠,Emma就觉得这三位生活在一起肯定不会有好事发生。在给孩子讲故事的时候,我们也不妨先问问孩子,看到标题能联想到什么?如:What do you think this story is about? Is this story real, or made up? 有时候孩子的回答会让我们脑洞大开呢。




The Mouse, The Bird, And the Sausage

Once upon a time a mouse, a bird, and a sausage decided to livetogether in a house. They had a pretty good time together. The bird's duty wasto fly into the woods every day to bring back wood for burning. The mouse fetched water, and the sausage cooked.

Everything went well for a while until one day the bird met another bird when he went into the forest. The bird bragged about the three of them living together and how good a team they were.

But the other bird said: “How stupid are you! You were doing all the chores, fetching wood everyday for them while the other two just sat at home doing nothing. The mouse merely had to fetch the water. And as for the sausage, he only had to throw himself into the soup, or roll in and out of vegetables to give it some oil and salt. And then his job is done. How stupid are you!”

After the bird heard this, he flew home without saying a word. The next day, the bird refused to go into the forest. “I can’t do this anymore, ”he said, “I want to stay at home, too.” The mouse and the sausage had no way but to listen to the bird. So the three changed their work. The three drewlots. And now it was the sausage’s job to bring in the wood, the mouse’s job to cook, and the bird’s job to fetch water. 

So the sausage started out in search of wood, while the birdfetched water and made the fire, and the mouse put on the water, preparing to cook. But the sausage didn’t come back. He never came back the next day,either. The other two were worried, so bird flew out in search of sausage. Instead,he saw a dog chewing something.

“Did you see my friend sausage?” He asked the dog.

“Yes, it’s right in my mouth,” the dog barked back, “and if you don’t go away now, I’m going to eat you, too.”

The bird hurried home and told the mouse what had happened. The two were terribly sad, but they had to go on with their lives. So the mouse tried to cook in the way the sausage did. He put himself in the soup. But instead of making the soup better, he drowned himself.

The bird, seeing this, was so scared that he dropped the wood that he was going to make the fire with, and started a fire on the whole house. Inthe end, the house was burned down, and the bird died, too.


Brag 吹牛

Fetch 取,拿来

Chore 杂务,令人讨厌的活

Refuse  拒绝

Drown 淹死


每个人都要正确地认识自己,选择适合自己的工作,不能轻信别人,盲目地从事自己不能胜任的工作,否则,后果不堪设想,害己又害人。如果离开适和自己的工作,不仅不能发挥作用,还可能造成麻烦。了解自己,选择自己最擅长的事来做才最重要。We each have our own strengths and weaknesses.It's important to know what we're best at, and make choices accordingly.  





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