
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27


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Thumb Girl


Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted a small, lovely child. She went to consult the witch, who gave her a grain of kernel and planted her in a flowerpot. When the flower bloomed, the thumb girl was born, and she was very happy.


But one day, an ugly toad took her away and let her live on top of the lotus. The fish in the water was very sympathetic to the thumb girl, and bit the lotus stem. The thumb girl drifted along the lotus leaf to the foreign country.


Summer and autumn were over, the cold winter came, and the thumb girl went to the voles' home. But a few days later, the vole introduced a mole who was the richest man in the region to the thumb girl. The mole fell in love with her, and proposed a marriage.


The thumb girl didn't love the mole because the mole didn't like the sun and flowers, but she ended up reluctantly marrying the mole. The girl once saved a swallow and the swallow flew to another country to ask the thumb girl: "Would you like to go to another country with me?" The girl said yes.


So the swallow went to the country with thumb girl, and put the girl on the most beautiful flower, and there was a beautiful man on the flower, who was the king of all flowers, and they were married. The girl was the queen of this place. And they lived happily ever after.



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