
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27


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Wild swan


Once upon a time there was a king, who had 11 sons and a daughter. The king married a vicious woman and the new queen turned the little princes into 11 swans,   and flew into the deep forest. 


As the days passed, the king's daughter, Alisa, grew up, the queen was so jealous when she saw her so beautiful. So she cast magic on Alisa, and Alisa became ugly, and the king did not recognize her. Then the poor Alisa was thrown out of the palace.


When the sun was almost down, Alisa came to the sea, and she saw eleven swans with golden crowns on their way to the land, and the swans turned to the 11 handsome princes. Alisa ran to their arms, and the eldest brother told Alisa that they could restore human form only when the sun was setting. They were flying out of here first thing in the morning, but they could fly across the ocean with her.


Eleven swans made a sturdy net, and they flew over the mountains with Alisa in sleep and flew to a beautiful palace. The night fairy came to Alisa's dream to tell her that only 11 long-sleeved armors, which were made by nettle, could make the magic lifted, and the brothers could return to human form. But in this whole thing, Alisa couldn't talk.


When Alisa woke up, she ran to a large nettle, and came back to the palace. Because she was enchanted, she became ugly, and many people said she was a witch. The king began to suspect Alisa, and tried to kill her. The day of the execution, Alisa rubbed her nettle together, and the 11th armor was finally finished, and the 11 wild swans flew to the tumbrel. Alisa was eager to put 11 armors on a wild swan, and the 11 handsome princes immediately appeared to them.


Alisa finally spoke, and she told the king what happened, and the king embraced Alisa, and they had lived happily ever after.



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