
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27


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Tiger and frog


A frog rested by the pond while a tiger came out looking for something to eat. The frog has never seen a tiger, and asked:"who are you?"The tiger said:"I'm a tiger. And who are you?"The frog said:"I'm a frog. I'm the king."The tiger shook his head and did not believe.


"You don't believe me." said the frog, "Let's compare ourselves. Who is good enough?"He asked. The tiger listened, saying, "Well, let's compare."The frog said:" Let's jump over the other side of the river. Let's see who jumps farther."The tiger agreed, and he jumped over the river, and the frog caught the tiger's tail and let the tiger take him across the river.


The tiger thought that the frog was still on the other side of the river, and shouted to the river:"Frog, you have to jump quickly."The frog, in the back of the tiger, yelled:"I'm here, I jumped farther than you." The tiger thought that the frog really jumped farther than himself, and panicked.


At this point, the frog opened its mouth and spitted out a few tiger's tails. The tiger looked more surprised, and asked:"How can a frog have a tiger in your mouth?"The frog said:"Well, yesterday I ate a tiger and ate the belt and bones, leaving only a few tiger tails."


When the tiger heard that and thought the frog would eat him, scaring it away. On the way, a fox saw the tiger running and said:"Tiger tiger, what's going on?"The tiger was so angry that he had to talk it over with the rest of the day. The fox laughed and laughed:"Tiger, you listen to the frog, and let's go to him."The tiger was still afraid to go. 


The fox said:"Oh, my god, what are you afraid of?"The tiger said:"Get to the frog, and if you run, I'll die."The fox said:"Well, let's wrap our tails around it, shall we?"The tiger and the fox wrapped their tails together and went to the frog.


The frog saw the fox and the tiger coming together, and said:"Fox, I asked you to find me a tiger in the morning to make a snack. Why did you bring it to me so late? Give me the tiger. I'm starving." The tiger heard and thought that the fox had tricked him and tried to make a snack for the frog. Then, he turned and ran.


"Tiger, you're afraid to unbutton your tail!"The fox shouted. The tiger couldn't care less about the tail, and the fox almost got dragged by the tiger.



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