你的童年 “被毁了” 还是 “被骗了”?|【反叛的童谣】(Revolting Rhymes)

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

反叛的童谣 Revolting Rhymes

2018年迎来了奥斯卡的“90大寿”。在动画片单元,《寻梦环游记》(Coco) 获得了最佳动画长片(Best Animated Feature), 《亲爱的篮球》(Dear Basketball)获得了最佳动画短片 (Best Animated Short Film)。小编今天推荐的是奥斯卡最佳动画短片提名作品【反叛的童谣】(Revolting Rhymes) 这部看似 “少儿不宜” 的成人童话,我们的童年到底是“被毁了” 还是 “被骗了”?如何为我们的孩子们搭建“童话世界”与“现实世界”的桥梁呢?

《反叛的童谣》根据挪威籍英国作家罗尔德·达尔(《查理和巧克力工厂》小说原作者)1982年创作的诗歌故事集改编,故事原型出自于家喻户晓的《格林童话》。原著由六个章节构成,分别是 “小红帽与大灰狼”、“白雪公主与七个小矮人”、“三只小猪”、“灰姑娘”、 “杰克与仙豆”、“金发姑娘和三只熊”。这部奥斯卡提名同名动画电影选取了其中五个故事。

Revolting Rhymes is a collection of Roald Dahl’s poems published in 1982. (Roald Dahl, the writer of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, was a British novelist, short story writer, and screenwriter.) The prototypes of the collection come from the well-known Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Revolting Rhymes takes six classic fairy tales of Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, The Three Little Pigs, Cinderella, Jack & the Beanstalk, and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.The Oscar-nominated film retells and intertwines five of the six poems from the book.

动画《反叛的童谣》Part 1

动画《反叛的童谣》Part 2


The story adopts the embedded structure which takes the wolf as the “story-teller”. The Little Riding Hood portrays the image as an independent woman of modern society. She raises two children by herself, kills the wolf and develop a relationship which is more intimate than friendship with Snow White. In Cinderella, Jack Bean has crush on Cinderella, while the prince is shaped as a superficial and violent person. Snow White becomes millionaires after stealing the magic mirror. 


Two of Roald Dahl’s most enduring qualities, and part of what makes him one of the most loved children's authors of all time, are his profound love of the rhythm and flow of language, and his realization that young children do not in fact need everything sugar-coated, that seeing the villainous and cruel parts could also be open appropriately.




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