
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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The Dream Of Spiders


Once upon a time, there were two spiders, grey spiders and black spiders. They were both good friends and neighbors. They often share the technology of catching food together.


One day, the grey spiders and the black spiders were chatting together. Grey spider said: "every day I hard net mesh, good luck when you can eat dragonflies, bad luck when what is not to eat, only hungry." The black spider sighed and said: "my situation and you almost every day hard webs, but the harvest is very few, often do not fill the belly."

一天,灰蜘蛛和黑蜘蛛在一起聊天。灰蜘蛛说:“我每天都辛苦的的织网,运气好的时候可以吃到蜻蜓,运气不好的时候什么没有,只能饿肚子。” 黑蜘蛛叹了一口气,说:“我的情况和你差不多,每天辛苦织网,但是收获很少,常常填不饱肚子。”

So, they decided to think about it, and the grey spider said, "I have a dream that I can catch cicadas. I heard that cicadas are delicious and delicious. " The black spider said, "I have a dream, too, to catch a bird." It is heard that the meat of a bird is too much and tender. "

于是,它们决定想想办法,灰蜘蛛说:“我有一个梦想,就是能够捕捉到知了。听说知了味美可口。” 黑蜘蛛说:“我也有一个梦想,就是能够捕捉到小鸟。听说小鸟的肉又多又嫩。”

The grey spider said anxiously, "is the bird big and powerful? Can we weave the bird in the net?" the black spider confidently said, "I heard that the bird eating spiders in the tropical jungle of South America are catching birds with their own weaves. The same is the spider, they do, I can do it, too! "

灰蜘蛛担心地说:“小鸟个子大,力气大,我们织的网能粘住小鸟吗?” 黑蜘蛛信心十足地说:“听说南美洲热带丛林里的食鸟蜘蛛就是用他们自己织的网捕捉小鸟的。同样是蜘蛛,他们行,我也一定能行!”

So it took a long time for the grey spiders to weave a big, dense net between the two trees. After a long time, I really have the idea of being stuck on the Internet. The grey spiders rushed up, tied the knowledge with silk, and ate them with relish.


The black spider also weaves a big, dense net on a big tree next to the bamboo forest. In a moment, a bird flew over, not but not stuck, and hit the net into broken pieces. The black spider said to the grey spider sadly, "you have realized your dream. It\\'s a good luck." And my luck is too bad! "


- END -


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