
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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Princess' Cat


This story takes place in a country without cats.


One day, an old lady came to this country to travel, and she brought a lovely cat to the king. The king gave the cat to his daughter, princess Nana. Princess Nana loved the cat very much. One night, however, the cat suddenly disappeared. Princess Nana was particularly upset, and the whining cry alerted the whole palace.


The king was in a hurry and sent people to post "cat notices" overnight to find the cat. The notice was written like this: Nana's cat was lost, who picked it up and sent it to reward the gold ten thousand. Remember, the cat's features were: Young and bearded.


The next morning, the guards reported that someone brought a cat to collect the prize. But it was foolish to look at it, and it turned out, "Young and bearded". The animal was not a cat; it was a goat.


No: the first "cat notices" hadn't made it clear about the cat. The king had ordered the second "cat notices". This time, the notice read, "Remember, the cat is characterized by 'big eyes and can go up trees, and catch mice'!"


A few minutes later, there was another award. But this was wrong again! "Big eyes and can go up trees, and catch mice" was the owl.


Princess Nana couldn't find her beloved cat, and couldn't eat. Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping and she was sitting in front of the mirror. Then suddenly, a strange voice came out of the window -- "meow!" Ah! The cat appeared on the window, and princess Nana rushed over and hugged the cat tightly. She was so happy.


The king was patting the head in the side, automatic speaking said: "Why didn't I think of it? 'Meow' is called the cat's characteristic!"



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