
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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Snow Child


Once upon a time, there was a lovely bunny living in a beautiful forest with her mother. In a cold winter, it was snowing all night. The house, the trees and the ground, was white everywhere.


The bunny's mother was going out for food. She was afraid that her daughter was so lonely, so she piled up a beautiful snow child and had him play with her. Looking at the lovely snow child, the bunny was happy. She sang and danced with the snow child, having a great time.


After a while, the bunny was tired and went home to rest. It was cold in the house, and the bunny had a chill, then she went to the furnace, put some wood in the fire and went to bed. The fire burned more prosperous, and the firewood heap nearby was also burned. The bunny slept soundly, without knowing at all.


The snow child saw the house on fire and ran fast. The fire was terrible for the snow child, and his body would melt away. But the snow child rushed into the fire just for the sake of the bunny. The snow child ran out of power and saved the bunny from the fire, and he melted.



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