
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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The Crow Getting Anything without Working


Once upon a time, there was a crow who was a glutton for food, and he always thought he could get all kinds of food without having to work. Instead of looking for worms, he liked to steal food from people, and gradually lost the skills of a crow, who only knew about stealing every day.


One day, a child with a perfumed red-bean cake in his hand, the crow smelled the scent, and flew over the child's head, beating his head, and holding his head pecked. The red-bean cake fell on the floor.


The crow rejoiced to pick up the red-bean cake, and ate it up, and soon after that, the incident began, and people decided to take action against the crow. The crow companions persuaded him to stop stealing, and the food was earned on him. But he didn't listen, because he was lazy to find food.


Once again, the crow was captured and nearly lost his life. The poor crow finally knew that there was no fruit which getting without any labor in the world, and that he began to hunt for food through his own labor.



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