
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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The Ugly Duckling


When summer came, a duck sat in its nest. Its babies were hatched.


One by one the egg split, but the biggest egg was still there. Finally, it broke. The baby was big and ugly.


The second day, the mother duck took a brook to go. One duck after another jumped in. The big ugly duck swam by the other ducks. But because of ugly, he was squeezed out and laughed at. He felt himself so inferior. In desperation, the ugly duckling flew over the fence and ran away.


Once he met a hunting dog, but the hound just smelled him and did not grab him. He congratulated himself, "I am so ugly that even a hunting dog dare not bite me."!" He congratulated himself on his escape, and at the same time he was humbled by his ugliness.


After that, the ugly duckling met with many hardships. Later, the yearning and pursuit of the good nature and the good life drove the ugly duckling to live longer.


One day, three beautiful white swans from the shade swam to him, the duckling recognized these beautiful animal, and he felt a not say sorry.


The duckling felt that he wanted to swim to them, even if they killed him, because he had a heart for beauty. But what did he see in the water? It was no longer the ugly duckling, but a beautiful swan!



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