
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

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A Flamboyant Frog


Frog was a good swimmer, and he always showed off how good his swimming skill was in front of the rabbit and the monkey, and the frog said to them:"look! I can swim freely in the river, no matter how deep the river, and I'm not afraid." 


The frog saying, jumped into the river, and when he swam ashore again, the rabbit and the monkey had gone, and the frog said:"Huh! They must be jealous of me."


Gradually, as he was always showing off how good he can swim, the frog has fewer friends.


Finally, the frog has no friend, and one day, a little turtle swam by the river, and the frog was in a hurry to show how good he could swim, and the turtle jumped into the river, making a beautiful curve in the perfect swimming position.


The frog looked at everything in shame and dived silently into the water and began to work with the turtle to practice swimming.



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