MWRP读物推介-36|格林童话选 Grimm's Fairy Tales

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

读者对象 | 初中高年级、高中及以上水平学生 老师

《格林童话选》(Grimm’s Fairy Tales)是“百万英语阅读计划”MWRP丛书——英汉对照中级英语系列读物第III辑之10,适合已掌握1500基本英语词汇量(相当于初中毕业)的英语学习者阅读。





《格林童话》是德国著名语言学家,雅可布·格林(Jacob Grimm1785-1863)和威廉·格林(Wilhelm Grimm 1786–1859)兄弟收集、整理、加工完成的德国民间文学。它是世界童话的经典之作,自问世以来,在世界各地影响十分广泛。《格林童话》获选为世界文化遗产,被联合国教科文组织称赞为“欧洲和东方童话传统划时代的汇编作品”。





1. 关于可读性:这是根据美国Rudolf Flesch博士的统计方法计算出的Flesch Reading Ease(弗莱士易读度),计算根据是句子的字数和100个字内音节个数等,数值在0100之间,数目越大,文章越容易读。

2. 1500基本词汇外的单词不包括由这些词构成的合成词 (如:schoolboy<=school +boy)和派生词 (如:proudly <= proud + ly)。

3. 专有名词(人名地名)或由专有名词派生的词汇以及感叹词不计入生词。

4. 1500词外词数(生词数)包含重复词数。比如一个单词以不同形式出现3次,则按3次统计。

5. 1500词外词条数中,重复的单词或者一个单词的不同形式统计为1次。

6. 正文每一千字处都有字数标志,便于读者掌握阅读进度。

7. 1500基本词汇外的词在原文部分用粗体显示,译文部分用深色粗体,由于翻译的缘故,两部分的词性和意义并不完全对应,仅供参考。

8. 本系列读物的前三本生词全部标注,以后只标注两次,出现两次以后生词就不再标注。

Grimm’s Fairy Tales


1. Little Snow-White


It was the middle of winter. Snow was falling from the sky, and a queen sat at her window working. And as she worked, looking at times out on the snow, she pricked her finger, and there fell from it three drops of blood on the snow. And when she saw how bright and red it looked, she said to herself, “I wish I could have a child as white as snow, as red as blood, as black as coal.”


Now long after, she had a daughter, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as coal, and she was named Snow-White. And not long after she was born, the queen died.


After a year had gone by the king took another wife, a beautiful but proud woman, and she could not bear to find anyone more beautiful than she was. She had a magic looking-glass, and she used to stand before it, and look in it, and say:


“Looking-glass on the wall,

Who is the prettiest of us all?”



And the looking-glass would answer:


“You are the prettiest of all.”


And she was satisfied, for she knew that the looking-glass spoke the truth.


Now, Snow-White was growing prettier and prettier, and when she was seven years old she was far more beautiful than the queen herself. So one day when the queen went to her looking-glass and said:


“Looking-glass on the wall,

Who is the prettiest of us all?”



It answered:


“Queen, you are pretty, that’s true, 

But Snow-White is prettier than you.”



This made the queen very angry. From that hour her heart turned against Snow-White, and she hated her. Then she sent for a hunter, and said,


“Take the child out into the woods, so that I may not see her any more. You must kill her, and bring me her heart.”


The hunter agreed, and led her away; but when he drew his knife to kill Snow-White, she began to cry and said, “Oh, dear hunter, do not take my life; I will go away into the wild wood, and never come home again.”


And as she was so lovely the hunter felt sorry for her, and said, “Go away then, poor child”; for he thought the wild animals would be sure to kill her. Just at the moment a young wild pig came running by, so he caught and killed it. He took out its heart and brought it to the queen. And it was salted and cooked, and the bad woman ate it up.


Now, when the poor child found herself quite alone in the wild woods, she was afraid and did not know what to do. When the evening came she came to a little house, and she went inside to rest. There stood a little table. It was covered with a white cloth, and seven little plates, and seven knives and forks, and drinking cups. Snow-White was very hungry and thirsty, so she ate from each plate a little porridge and bread, and drank out of each little cup a drop of wine. After that she felt so tired that she lay down on one of the beds, and fell asleep.


When it was quite dark, the masters of the houses came home. They were seven little dwarfs. When they saw Snow-White lying there asleep, they cried out in astonishment. They were so full of joy to see her that they let her sleep on.


When Snow-White awoke next morning she was very frightened; but they seemed quite friendly, and asked how she came to be in their house. After she told them what had happened, the little dwarfs said, “If you will keep our house for us, and cook, and keep everything tidy and clean, you may stay with us.”


“I will be glad to,” said Snow-White; and so she stayed, and kept the house in good order. In the morning the little dwarfs went to the mountain to dig for gold. All the day long the girl was left alone, and the good little dwarfs warned her, saying, “Be careful of your step-mother. She will soon know you are here. Let no one into the house.”


Now after the queen had eaten Snow-White’s heart, she felt sure that now she was the prettiest woman, and so she came to her looking-glass, and said:


“Looking-glass on the wall,

Who is the prettiest of us all?”



And the looking-glass answered:


“Queen, you are very pretty, that’s true,

But Snow-White living in the forest,

Is one thousand times prettier than you.

She is by far the prettiest.”





Then she was very angry, and she knew that the hunter must have cheated her, and that Snow-White must still be living. And she thought and thought how she could manage to kill her. At last she thought of a plan. She painted her face and dressed herself like an old selling woman. Dressed like this, she went across the seven mountains, until she came to the house of the seven dwarfs, and she knocked at the door and cried, “Fine things to sell! Fine things to sell!”


Snow-White looked out of the window and cried, “Good-day, good woman. What have you to sell?”


“Silk of all colours,” answered she, and she held up a piece of pretty silk.


“I need not be afraid of letting in this good woman,” thought Snow-White, and she opened the door and bought the pretty silk.


“How pretty you are, child,” said the old woman. “Come and let me put it on your head.”


Snow-White stood up before her, and let her put the silk on her head, but the old woman tied the silk tightly around her neck and took her breath away, and she fell down as dead.


“Now you are no longer the prettiest in the world,” said the old woman as she hurried away.



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